South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly!

  1. About us
  2. Admissions


Reception offers have recently gone out to our families whose children will be in Reception in September. Unbeknown to us, but this year has a very low birth rate. This means that we still have places for Reception 2024, which is very rare for us. If you know of anyone who would like a place in our Reception for September and perhaps did not apply because they thought they would not get in, please let them know. It does not matter where they live or that they have been allocated a different school already. They can give us a call and we can help them apply.

Admission to School September 2025


Are you looking for a school place at South Wellfield First School in September 2025?  If so click on the link below to book a place for our family meetings and stay and play sessions in our school.


Nursery Admissions

At South Wellfield First School, we endeavour to provide a flexible nursery place to meet your family's needs.  This can be anything from 15 - 32.5 hours.

15 hours could be either 5 morning places or 2.5 days. 

If you are entitled to 30 free hours, your child could stay for nursery for 32.5 hours, in line with the rest of the school for a small fee to cover the additional 2.5 hours.

Admissions to nursery are made directly to school by completing a Nursery Admission Form and returning to school.  You can find a form using the link below or alternatively, you can collect a paper copy from the school office.

If you have any questions, please email us on and we will answer them for you.


Children are admitted to our nursery in the September after their 3rd birthday.  The deadline to return your form is before 31st December each year.  If you apply after this date, you still may be allocated a place, but if the nursery is oversubscribed, other applications will be considered before yours, regardless of the admission criteria.  The nursery admission criteria uses the same criteria the local authority use for reception admissions. This criteria is as follows:

  1.  Looked after children and children with an EHCP.
  2.  Children living in the catchment area.
  3.  If places remain, priority is given to children with brothers and sisters who currently attend South Wellfield  First School.
  4.  Any remaining places are allocated to children living nearest the school.
  5.  Children with Special Educational Needs. 

If places are available, we offer Rising 3 places to children who turn 3 between 1st September and 31st December, for a January start. This would mean your child would complete 5 terms in Nursery. If your child is eligible, please submit your Nursery application by 15th October. 

Reception Admissions and In Year Transfers

South Wellfield First School is a two form entry Local Authority Community School catering for children from Reception to Year 4.

We have a published admission number (PAN) of 60.

As a Local Authority Community School, we operate in accordance with North Tyneside’s Admission Policy and Procedures.  Please use the links below to find out more information about North Tyneside Admission and Appeal information.