South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly!

  1. About us
  2. SEND
  3. Information for Parents and Carers

Information for Parents and Carers

SEND Coffee Mornings

Each half term the SENDCo organises a coffee morning.  This is an informal drop in session, sometimes with a visiting speaker.  We welcome all parents (not just those with an SEN Support Plan) and tailor the sessions to any feedback given by parents.   There is always coffee and cake!

Supporting documents from Coffee Mornings

Sleep Workshop Coffee Morning

If you couldn't make our sleep workshop, you can find all of the information below.

 Letter about sensory activities.pdfDownload
 Relax Kids Handout (1).pdfDownload
 sie-back-to-school-sensory-survival-kit (2).pdfDownload
 Supporting your child at home with Transitions in school.pdfDownload
 Zones of regulation SEN toolkit.pdfDownload
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If you would like to know about our whole school approach to the Zones of Regulation please click here.

SEND Guide for Parents

If you or any teacher has any concerns about barriers to learning for your child, this guide explains the process you would expect to follow.

Additional Documents we use in school to support children with SEND

Early Years 

Building a Picture of the Emerging Needs of the Child.

Individual Play Plan

Key Stage 1 and 2 

Early Identification of Need

SEND Support Plan (may also be known as an IEP – Individual Education Plan)

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

We always involve your child their family in any plans or target setting and value your views and opinions.  You are the expert in your child.  You can expect to speak to the class teacher each term (3 times a year) about your child’s SEND plan and their targets on top of the Parent-Teacher consultations and end of year report. 

 Building a picture of emergin need EY SWFS 2022.pdfDownload
 Individual Play Plan SWFS 2022.pdfDownload
 New SWFS Early Identification of Need.pdfDownload
 New SWFS Student Support Plan v2.pdfDownload
 pupil voice.pdfDownload
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The world of SEN can be littered with a lot of terms and abbreviations.  At South Wellfield First School we try really hard not to overuse them, however sometimes they are unavoidable.  We will do our best to explain them to you.  Here is a helpful Jargon Buster for you to refer to if needed. 

Early Help Assessment 

For some families, there are a lot of additional people involved.

In those instances using Early Help enables us to pull a team around the family and discuss strengths and difficulties together which is much more effective. For more information or to chat about whether opening an Early Help would benefit you and your family, please speak to the SENCO.